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Who We Are

Who We Are

Family Portrait


It should go without saying, but the Christian faith is really about Christ. At United Lutheran, we want to be Christ-focused in all we do. Our worship service is designed to draw our attention to Jesus. Our sermons and Bible studies teach how all Scripture points to Jesus. We trust in Jesus daily for forgiveness and rely on His power to help us live for Him. We want to help people in Laurel and around the world to know Jesus as their savior.


Our congregation is Word-centered. We believe the whole Bible is inspired by God, so it is inerrant (without error). It is our final authority, because God's truth does not change to fit into our culture. Our worship service is filled with Scripture, and the sermon is firmly based on Scripture. We also offer several opportunities throughout the week to study God's Word together with our church family. Ultimately, we study God's Word to grow closer to our savior, Jesus Christ!



Jesus referred to His followers as his family. Throughout the New Testament, Christians called one another "Brethren." As a church family, we grow together in our love for God and for one another. We have lots of gifted people in our family, so it is fun to work together as we serve one another and serve the Laurel community. We love to welcome new people into our family, so come check us out on a Sunday. We can't wait to see you!   

Pedestrians from an Ariel View
Our Mission

Our Mission

To be a Christ-focused, Word-centered family that passes the Gospel from generation to generation and neighbor to neighbor.

Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs


At United Lutheran Church, we believe that the Bible was inspired by God, and therefore, it is inerrant (without error). The Bible is the final authority for what we believe and how we live our lives. It shows us our sin against God and tells of His incredible plan to save us through Jesus! It invites us to receive salvation through faith in Christ.



Click below for a more thorough explanation of what we believe. 

Our Pastor

Ministry Staff


Pastor Tom and his wife Judy come here from Missouri, where he served for 12 ½ years. He has been in the pastoral ministry for 38 years and has served congregations around the midwest. This is his 6th full-time call in addition to several part-time and interim calls.

Tom's interests include exercise and fitness, fixing and building things, and all outdoors. Judy enjoys children reading, and serving in the church.

Our Association


United Lutheran Church belongs to the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. The AFLC emphasizes the inerrancy of God's Word and that the local congregation is the right form of the Kingdom of God on earth. It holds to the Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian Creeds; Luther's Small Catechism and the unaltered Augsburg Confession as faithful explanations of the truths of Scripture. Learn more about the AFLC here.

Our Association
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