Small Group Bible Studies
A great time for Bible Study and Fellowship
We have 2 small groups which meet at various times throughout the week. Each one uses the adult version of The Gospel Project Sunday school curriculum which the children are using. This is a great study to help adults have a better understanding of the characters and events of Scripture. The curriculum does a great job of walking through the entire Bible and showing how each portion points to our Savior Jesus Christ. It describes God's great plan to restore humanity's broken relationship with their Creator.
Study Times
Small Group (for all ages) Sundays @ 6:00 pm
Young Adults Small Group Thursdays @ 6:30 pm
If you would like to get involved in one of these
groups, please contact the pastor.
Women's Circles
Meet Monthly
We have two women's circles which meet monthly. These groups share food and go through a Bible Study together. They are part of the Women's Missionary Federation (WMF) and raise money for various missionaries and ministries. They are also active in serving in various ways within the congregation.
Meeting Times (First Thursday of each month)
Sarah Circle 9:30 am
Ruth Circle 7:00 pm
Women's Bible Studies
Meet Weekly
We have a women's Bible Study on Wednesday mornings. Currently, they are going through God Never Gives Up on You by Max Lucado.
Wednesday Study Time
9:30 am